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Articles > In A Story > I Believe I Can by Grace Byers
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Story Activities for

"I Believe I Can" by Grace Byers

"I Believe I Can" is a beautiful story by Grace Byers showing the limitless potential of boys and girls. They can see themselves as powerful, able to take risks, and brave. And kids may even fail at what they try - but they can try again. They matter in this world and they are worthy.

This book provides lessons in self-esteem. And the numerous similes and metaphors in this book illustrate the importance in believing on oneself. 

Check out these story visuals and activities to support learning concepts from this encouraging book. 



Byers provides rich imagery and vocabulary. Find these word in the story or display on a word wall


Language and Grammar

A Simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid. Byers uses many similes that students can discover and imitate in their own writings. 

Match the similes to ones used in the book. 

Acti it out. In a small group session, place 3 - 5 cards for students to see. Have a student choose a pictures (don't say it aloud) and act it out. See is other students can guess which one and then discuss what they think that simile means. 


Self-Esteem: You are Worthy

Students can generate a list of adjectives that describe themeslves and what they bring to the classroom. 

Use a bingo marker to mark adjects that describe oneself. 

Students can write their own "I Am" poem


Or use their name to write a Poem like this one...


All About Me

Students can tell all about themesleves from favorite foods to eye color. Have students draw a self-portrait or make an "All About Me" poster to share with the class. 

When talking with students, use visuals if needed for supporting communication. They can also point to their favorite animal, color, food, etc. 

Student can write and draw about themselves. 



What are your interests? 

Students can describe common interests. 

Or sort their favorites. 



Ask For Help

Everybody Makes Mistakes, Fails, and Loses - and Can Try Again. An important life skill involves teaching students to persevere when things are tough and know when to ask for help. 

Here is a scale to self-evaluate independence level

This social narrative talks about when to ask for help. 

Practice ways to ask for help.


Managing Feelings

Talk about strategies students use to identify and manage strong feelings. 




You Make a Difference

Students can discuss and plan ways where they can make a difference. Organize a class project or earn raise money for a charity. Write pen pals or send an unexpected card or note to say hello. 


Share your talents and show kindness to others. 



Have fun learning and playing together!