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General Vocabulary

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Samantha Foggin
Picture Cards
Early Childhood, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary, Adult

General Vocabulary water boat book drink teacher play catch scooter slide swings tricycle bird read glasses saw close ear Watch open can umbrella toolbox butterfly corn Can Opener hands lipstick paper bag walk kitten stop eat dog corndog fence scissors clock train day car paper cup gift paper clip paper towels trash can cut farm boy monkey stir cow Castle baking fox icing horse man lion run house girl arm zebra camera sheep bowl goldfish peas parrot banana mother back radio Blue Balloon calendar write goat sleep pillow hedgehog plant lemur chair school turtle earth eye city bus tree acorn feet monster truck night sea turkey chef knee river chin dollar duck swimsuit Avocado boot bubbles chocolate bunny flower apple call llama little Mouse grapes same jelly cooler golf ball milk small mouth pig salad carrot hat fireman giraffe throw ball hammer dress map Birthday Card iphone slippers jeep blue star cheek light lemon baking soda soda ice cream sandwich pickles bag Peanut Butter and Jelly towel lotion sandals kiwi cheese remote magnifying glass root beer Spy Cheese Pizza Grater cream cheese cookie coffee spaghetti teeth Shorts soccer ball globe snow globe above pool door doorknob bush santa ship letter heart slip tea mattresses lamp Lip Balm pot stomach pants diaper earrings chicken leg fried egg McDonalds® French Fries pan potato chip rainboot jacket orange lunch bee road side-by-side eyebrow Blue Triangle gorilla traffic light pumpkin apple cart hay egg candy stand rug window flashlight jar ketchup Thermos spaceship box punch empty lunchbox Music Box Trash Bags shirt legs frog nose snowman spoon Cottage Cheese medicine salad servers glove bell hand dryer net raise hand soap mirror squeeze tie bald loud neck screw plate suit bride daffodil ribbon kite firetruck fork Blue Rectangle lantern siren dump truck cloud folder sofa ornament backpack belt macaroni Parmesan olives salt shaker cement truck almonds cookies Animal Crackers ankle apron caterpillar aardvark basket bottle bucket hand sanitizer mouthwash birdfeeder diamond lava moon mushroom cake pan bite blow skirt Chalk clothespin crayons Dot Marker eraser bagel menu milkshake books cheerleader crossing guard carseat bean bag bicycle camper coffee pot dry-erase marker glue life jacket diamond ring fan laundry zipper washer briefcase goose ambulance band-aid blender collander bathe brush mustard syrup coffee cup water bottle toothpaste calculator Air Conditioner candle flag hanger key shell volcano airplane drill Broom dustpan laundry basket sponge die recliner notebook chainsaw battery High Chair table knife microwave blackbird strawberry bed grandmother toilet garbage truck onion chicken nuggets wave fly potato bowtie gate mail truck pencil bear hot chocolate cereal car carrier Cookie Jar popsicle sun smores finger wash Plum cake bread cupcake necklace taco Cinnamon Roll Easter eggs leaf football helmet groom ring fireworks picnic Statue of Liberty groundhog pinata mittens igloo feather rainbow

general vocabulary

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